After counting your blog visitors, now it's the time for you to track them. Many free web sites will help you to do that. One of top sites that provide good and reliable information on visitors tracking is sitemeter.
Sitemeter will give you a code you need to paste it on your text/html widget. Once it's done, a small icon will appear on your blog. You can check it anytime by clicking it and directly go to your account on simeter site. I also use that on this blog.
You can also customize you sitemeter; make it private for your eyes only, ignore you own visit and set the statistic shown from higher number. Set any number you like.
Unfortunately for wordpress users, this tracker will not work in full capability because wordpress can't execute java script. For blogger/blogspot and other java script enabled blogs, this tool will give big help. You can track from which country you visitors are, which language, and you can even view IPs and referer sites.
You can also check who's on, viewing your blog. Sitemeter provide click prediction for your blog in the next, hour, day, week and month based on previous visits. It's only prediction though, don't get a big head yet since it's too kind in predicting the traffic.
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If you want to know how many time your blog was visited/clicked, you can add a simple widget on your blog page. There are 2 types of click counter; unique visitors counter and page views counter.
Unique visitor is a unique IP address that visit your blog from. Unique visitor only counted once per day so. While page view is anytime your blog and any page of your blog visited, it's counted. Page view counter doesn't care about the visitor. 1 visitor can make thousands page views.
I recommend you 2 sites that give free counter, no email and no registration. You can choose whether you want to count unique counter or you want to count page view or both.
1. e-zeeinternet
2. free easy counters
After you get the code from the site, just copy it to your text/html widget.
If you have a high pride, you can also set from which number that counter start. You can start the counter from 100 or any number so when someone visits your blog, at least it's not so obvious that your blog has a few visitors.
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Although in setting of your blog, there is an option for search engine visibility, your blog will not be visible automatically. In order to get your blog indexed by search engine, you have to register it manually. First, register it to top three search engines; Google, Yahoo and MSN.
To register to Google click here.
To register to Yahoo click here (must have a Yahoo mail).
To register to MSN click here.
And then, you can also submit you blog URL to more than 50 search engines, bigs and smalls, for free.
I know 2 free URL submissions which provide fast respond and result. Both are quite reliable.
1. freewebsubmission
2. submitexpress
Register your blog to both of them and see the results.
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